Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tutankhbast - 2002 - 3/24/2011

Tutankhbast (Tuti) came with Nefermew from a friend who had to give her up because of a move. Tuti isn't as playful as Nef, but she's very affectionate. She and Nef were found at a flea market and poor Tuti had been in the cage for too long. She still has a lot of issues. Right now she's got a growth in her mouth and doesn't look too good. She does like the canned stuff and will flat out mug you for any kind of food. She wasn't getting any better despite two surgeries and multiple rounds of antibiotics. Leah took her to the vet today for a last look and the vet confirmed there was nothing more to be done. Tuti was one of the sweetest cats we've had around here and her original mommy was there with her when she died.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gwen - September 2010 - 1/29/11

Gwen walked into a gym at a local elementary school filled with over 400 kids like she owned the place. The school's IT person picked her up and talked to an ex-coworker of mine. She recommended he call me and then brought the baby by. Two days later, she was adopted just before Halloween and we thought all was well. However, the new owner returned her the first week of December. The first week of January she picked up the "kitty cold" that we had going through the ranks and we ran her by the vet. They gave us some antibiotics and we started treating her. Two weeks later, she wasn't getting any better and had stopped eating. We took her to the vet again, but there was nothing they could do for her. She was such a sweet little thing and we'll miss her terribly.